9 Free and Low-Cost Marketing Ideas for Businesses

We all know that there are many challenges of business, and many things that you need to do for it. If you’re a small business, then chances are that you don’t have an endless budget for marketing. You may also be a business with more experience, but who doesn’t wish to break the bank for marketing. Whatever your, situation is, you are here for the same reason: free or low-cost marketing ideas.

You don’t have to empty your wallet to successfully market your business. There are plenty of inexpensive marketing strategies that can get your business out there. Additionally, if you are the owner of the business, then these ideas can take some time off of your hands. As you know, time is money.

In this article, we will go over 9 free and low-cost marketing ideas for your business.

Create A Google My Business Account

A Google My Business account is a great way to get your business visible to those on Google. This is especially important for local businesses. Not only is it free, but it is one of the most effective marketing strategies out there.

A Google My Business profile allows your business to be seen on local Google search results as well as Google Maps. Every time someone searches for a business in your industry near them, your business has the chance to be seen and therefore selected to purchase from.

In order to rank higher on search results, you need to optimize your business profile, and build a sense of trust to potential customers. I found this article, which discusses how to create a Google My Business account and how to promote it.

Create And Manage Social Media Accounts

social media as a marketing strategy

This one may come off as a little obvious. Social media has been the primary marketing tool of most businesses and has led to numerous success stories. Despite this, there are still plenty of opportunities on the various platforms to promote your businesses. Again, it’s free (you can also opt to pay for ads to further promote your business), so take advantage of it.

Engaging with social media and create an online following is an excellent way to promote your business while creating a brand personality. There are plenty of sites to promote your business, such as Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

On social media, you can promote your business with various methods, directly engage with users, and get feedback for your business. There are endless possibilities online, so why not try it out and see where it takes you?

SEO Research

Search-engine-optimization (SEO) is a practice that enables businesses to be more visible in search results online. It is essentially improving your website for the purposes of ranking higher in search engines. If you wish to have any digital presence for your business, then this is absolutely essential.

Google’s algorithm is designed to provide the most accurate and high-quality results to viewers. To rank high on search results, you must fit these standards as well as implement practices that make your content more visible. There are various tools out there for this, including the Yoast SEO plugin, as well as the ahrefs keyword tool.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an amazing way to get new visitors to your site, as well as conserve relationships with existing customers. It is a surefire and reliable way to get a return on your marketing investment, which you may not even have to pay.

Email marketing is a form of advertising that collects user’s emails, and sending messages to a targeted audience via email. It can serve as a direct link between a business and its customer. Effective email marketing requires engaging content as well as strategic content to receive engagement and achieve its intended result.

Form Partnerships With Businesses In Your Industry

Networking is one of the most important things in business. Whether it’s teaming up with a business for a joint project or teaming up to advertise each other, forming a partnership with a business is extremely beneficial.

When you partner with another business, you expose yourself to an entirely new audience. Your business gains access to a customer base, as well as marketing hacks that you would not have been able to reach on your own.

Be cautious when forming a partnership so that it is not one-sided. Clarify expectations and goals and assess the functionality of the partnership.

Create A Referral System

Offering deals and rewards to existing customers is a great way to retain loyalty and introduce new customers. It is essentially a word-of-mouth program offered by businesses to incentivize customers to bring in more customers.

Referred customers generate many advantages for businesses, and there are multiple statistics to back this up. For example, referred customers bring in 16% more profits, and up to 78% of marketers believe that word of mouth is the best marketing strategy to get more leads.

Revive Old Content

The work that you have done in the past does not have to go to waste. Revive it, and put it to work! Repurposing your content is useful for giving life to your older content, and making it useful for other channels. Transform your past content into new forms of media, such as an eBook.

There is a very high likelihood that the majority of your audience has not seen your old content. Therefore, you shouldn’t be afraid of your old content coming off as redundant or repetitive.

If you are a blogger on WordPress, then try out the Revive Old Posts plugin.

Engage With User-Generated Content

When looking to purchase, people will trust other people more than a business. Thus, you should make your business look as modest as possible, and avoid looking like a cash-grab.

An authentic way to grow your business is to engage with user-generated content. User-generated-content is anything that users create and share about your business. It can be as something as simple as encouraging users to share your business on social media. This can also mean inspiring users to post positive reviews and replying to comments. Eventually, you can utilize this content in the form of testimonials.

Host A Webinar

Hosting a webinar by yourself or collaborating with another business can bring exposure and share information about your business. It doesn’t have to be hard. Try something as simple as going live on social media, or hosting a scheduled Zoom call. Whatever your preferred method is, this low-cost marketing strategy will give insight to potential customers and establish yourself as a trusted business.

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